
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Leon Scott Kennedy Biography in Resident Evil

Leon Scott Kennedy
Date of birth:1977[1]
Blood type:A[1]
Height:178 cm (5 ft 10 in)[1]
Mass:70.2 kg (155 lb)[1]
Occupation:Police officer (1998)
Secret Service agent[2](1998-)
Status:Alive (Games)
Deceased (Live Action Films)[3]
Voice:Paul Haddad (RE2)
Paul Mercier (RE4REDDC)
Dave Whittenberg(RE:ORC)
Jin Yamanoi (Japanese)
Portrayer:Brad Renfro (RE2 ad)
Mocap:Teruaki Ogawa (RE4)
RC Ormond (RED
Leon Scott Kennedy is currently a U.S. Government agent, and former rookie member of the Raccoon City Police Department. In September of 1998, Leon was fortunate to arrive late in Raccoon City for his first day as an officer, when he confronted the results of the T-Virus outbreak. He cooperated with Claire Redfield to escape the city. Along with survivor Sherry Birkin, he was apprehended by the U.S. Government after his escape and was recruited. He went on to recieve special training via a secret organization under control of the president. In 2002, he took part in Operation: Javier with fellow agent Jack Krauser. In 2004, he was readied to take on duties of protecting the president's family, however, Ashley Graham; the president's daughter was kidknapped. The Government were able to track Ashley to a remote area in Spain, and Leon was sent out to rescue her. In 2005, Leon was called to Harvardville Airport to deal with another outbreak of the T-Virus.


Leon was an idealistic rookie cop. He burns with the strong desire to protect and serve, and life as a cadet was an eye-opening experience. At the age of 21, Leon was assigned to work for the Raccoon City Police Department after graduating from the police academy. He arrived at Raccoon City on September 29, 1998, a day later than he was scheduled to.

Raccoon CityEdit Raccoon City sectionEdit

Hey! It's up to us to take out Umbrella!

Leon on his first and only day as a police officer in Raccoon City.
LeonisawsomeAdded by Leonisawsome
On September 29 1998, Leon arrived in Raccoon City for his assigned police department. Having overslept, the sun had long since set when he reached the city limits via a highway. Seemingly abandoned as a blockade by the US military earlier, he was unaware of the t-virus outbreak.
Reaching the city's business district, Leon stopped his car to inspect a body on the ground. Being unaware of the outbreak, he was caught by surprise when several zombies (and the body he thought dead) tried to attack him. Escaping from the group, Leon stumbled onto another survivor named Claire Redfield, who had arrived to the city in search of her missing brother, Chris. Together, Leon and Claire decided to seek refuge within the RPD's headquarters, but after arriving there, they get separated when Leon's police car gets destroyed, both of them barely getting out of the vehicle alive when a truck driven by an infected crashed into it, forcing the two to search for a way out of the city separately.
During his probe of the RPD precinct, Leon meets another survivor named Ada Wong, a woman who claimed she was looking for her missing boyfriend, John. They soon developed a bond, and Leon even took a bullet for her, fired byAnnette Birkin. Leon and Ada managed to fight against most of the enemies, but soon, Ada is wounded by a mutated William Birkin's claw. During that time, Leon had found out from Annette Birkin that Ada was actually a spy, and only came to steal the G-virus. However, Leon doesn't believe this until Ada tells him herself. Some time later, Ada saves Leon's life when he is cornered by T-00. She shoots the Tyrant on its back to get its attention, successfully doing so. She is then attacked, grabbed and raised up by the tyrant, in which she then retaliates with a series of gunshots to its face, making the tyrant fall into a lava pit. However, Ada was mortally wounded in the process. She then told Leon the truth about everything. Ada shortly falls unconscious, which Leon mistakes for death. However, at the near end, a mysterious figure (with Ada's voice and silhouette) helps Leon (or Claire) by giving them a rocket launcher to help them defeat the now mutated T-00. Leon is reunited with Claire, and the two (along with William Birkin's daughter, Sherry Birkin) make their escape through a secret railway and then escape via the train, leaving the mutated Birkin to be destroyed in the self-destruct sequence.

Anti-UmbrellaEdit Anti-Umbrella sectionEdit

Following the Raccoon City incident, Claire and Leon split up, and she continued her search for Chris, while Leon continued to look after Sherry. Leon and Sherry were soon apprehended by the US government; Sherry was taken away and placed in protective custody while Leon was interrogated. Apparently, Leon never mentioned Claire or Ada, but the government were interested in recruiting him, since he now possessed the experience they were looking for; Leon accepted.
His subsequent training as a government agent turned him from a simple police rookie into an expert special agent. He became much more competent in terms of weapons handling and unarmed combat, specifically knife combat.
In November 1998, Leon sent a friend of his, detective Ark Thompson out to investigate Umbrella's facilities onSheena Island. The following month, Claire set out for Europe to continue her search for Chris. She was captured by Umbrella after being caught trespassing in the Umbrella facility in Paris. While on the island prison of Rockfort Island, Claire sent Leon an e-mail asking him to inform Chris of her location so that he could come and rescue her. Leon managed to track Chris down personally, and told him of Claire's situation, and Chris headed for Rockfort Island after her.

Gaiden (Non-canon)Edit Gaiden (Non-canon) sectionEdit

Please note that the following section pertains to a game that is non-canon.
Sometime after the Raccoon City incident, Leon; as a member of an underground anti-Umbrella organization, was sent to eliminate a prototype B.O.W. that was believed to be among the passengers and crew of the luxury ocean cruiser, the Starlight. Upon his arrival, Leon discovered that there had been a t-virus outbreak on board. At some point, Leon met a young survivor named Lucia, and fought a good candidate for the B.O.W.: a large gray humanoid who could produce tentacles from its abdomen and transform into an amoeba. After 24 hours without contact, fellow operative Barry Burton was sent to find Leon. He was eventually found unconscious. After he and Barry saved Lucia from the B.O.W. again, Barry left Lucia with Leon. When they saw Barry on the security camera talking to Umbrella, who had contacted him on the way there, they found him, and Leon was seemingly betrayed by Barry. While Barry and Lucia were on an Umbrella-owned submarine, Leon killed the B.O.W., who was trying to destroy the ship's fuel converter, by blowing him into the steam ducts. Afterwards, Barry and Lucia found Leon. In the end, Leon, along with Barry and Lucia, killed the real B.O.W., a fully-grown parasite that had been removed from Lucia's body, with a hail of gunfire. A small cut on Leon's neck was bleeding green blood, meaning he was actually the shape-shifting Tyrant. What happened to the real Leon is not revealed.
This game is non-canon as its plot is contradicted by the main series in key parts, and its events are ignored.

Operation JavierEdit Operation Javier sectionEdit

Leon clad in his Special Operations uniform during Operation Javier, 2002.
Leon.TennantAdded by Leon.Tennant
The virus continues to grow... Altering its form, strengthening perpetually until the day comes when it can be destroyed.

In 2002, before the destruction of the Russian branch of Umbrella, Leon was sent to a small South American country as part of a secret military detachment after the headquarters were informed that a former researcher from Umbrella contacted a man named Javier Hidalgo in a small South American state. Due to the difficult nature of the operation, Jack Krauser, a seasoned operative with a history of brave service, was selected to be Leon’s partner.
Krauser and Leon were sent on a mission by the U.S. government to infiltrate this small South American country. Finding Javier was their objective since he was a drug lord who has taken de-facto control over a large area of jungle. He ruled the entire area absolutely. The small government was unable to do anything about Javier's control of the drug trade, so Krauser and Leon have been called in. The U.S. government had received information that a former Umbrella researcher had somehow entered the region. Sources indicated that something strange was going on, but no accurate information could be obtained. Unwilling to risk a biohazard incident, a secret military agency paired Leon and Krauser and sent them into this volatile region to determine what, if anything, was going on.
They later found themselves having to cooperate as a two-man cell in a t-virus outbreak. Leon also met a mysterious girl called Manuela, who seemed to be the only survivor of the village, though it was unknown why she didn't escape. Manuela turned out to be Javier's daughter; she contracted a rare disease, and was kept alive by her father through the Veronica virus. While exploring Javier's compound, Leon opened up to Krauser about his hellish night in Raccoon City, as well as Claire's encounter with the Veronica virus to explain how Umbrella's B.O.W.s worked.
Eventually, Leon and Krauser fought Javier after the crime lord combined himself with a plant infected with the Veronica virus. Manuela assisted them by unleashing the effects of the virus on her father. Javier was killed, and Manuela was taken into government custody. Leon lost his partnership with Krauser after the latter is discharged from an injury during the mission. Sometime later that year, Leon learned that his former partner died in an accident.

Los IlluminadosEdit Los Illuminados sectionEdit

Leon as a Secret Service agent, 2004
Artwork0Added by Artwork0
Guess that's a local's way of breaking the ice. Anyway, you know what this is all about. My assignment is to search for the President's missing daughter.
—Leon to a pair of Spanish police officers assigned to him.[4]

In 2004, a 27-year-old Leon was assigned to the United States Secret Service. He is assigned to guard President Graham's family, but when President Graham's daughter Ashley is kidnapped, Leon's first mission is to track her down. Information gathered pointed to the kidnappers being located in a remote area of Spain. Leon investigates on his own, along with two members of the local police. Unfortunately, it seems something bizarre has happened to the local townsfolk, and after the two officers disappear (they are eventually found dead), Leon finds himself relying on his skills once again in a deadly fight for survival. Leon learns from his superiors that the perpetrators are a group called "Los Illuminados" (from Spanish, meaning "The Enlightened"), a religious cult led by a man named Osmund Saddler. This cult uses a mysterious parasitic organism known as "Las Plagas" (Spanish for "the Plagues") to take control of the local townsfolk, as well as many others around the area, such as a group of Mercenaries. Although a seemingly hopeless situation, the fanatical cult finds the formidable Leon to be more than they bargained for, as he foils attempt after attempt to kill him. During the course of his mission, Leon is helped by Luis Sera, a man who is revealed to be a researcher who used to work for Saddler, but betrayed him. Leon also once again has a chance encounter with Ada, who is also involved in this incident. She provides assistance to Leon, but has a fight of her own to battle out as well. Leon is assisted by Ingrid Hunnigan, an information analyst and fellow government official via a communicator. As Leon progresses however, he finds the transmission hijacked by the cult, and he is forced to fend for himself.
Leon eventually finds Ashley in a church, and he becomes responsible for her safety, as the two make their way around Los Illuminados-controlled area. It is revealed however, that both Leon and Ashley have been injected with the Plagas and are now in a race against time to find a cure for this before they are forever turned into Saddler's slaves. Acquiring weapons from a mysterious Merchant, Leon manages to fight his way through many harrowing perils within the local village and a mysterious Castle run by the cult. He eventually fights against two of Saddler's underlings, village chief Bitores Mendez, and the Castle's castellan, Ramon Salazar. Leon also confronts his former comrade Jack Krauser, who was now working as a double agent for both, a mystery party and Saddler. It is revealed that this mysterious third player in the conflict is none other than Albert Wesker, whom Ada is also working for. Unknown to Leon, a secret battle is being waged behind the scenes, which is explored in Ada's unlockable scenario, "Separate Ways". Eventually, Ashley is abducted, and Leon must race against time to rescue her before her Plaga fully develops, not to mention his own. With continued support from Ada, Leon fights his way through a local military base, where Saddler and the cult have taken refuge. Fighting against both, a deadly enemy and the enemy within, this battle tests all of Leon's strengths and skills. Leon fights against Krauser for the last time, and eventually saves Ashley and himself after removing Las Plagas from within them by using a special radiation machine, developed by Luis late during his mission. Afterwards, Leon battles Saddler in his true form, and with Ada's help (who provides him with a special rocket launcher), is able to put an end to him and his plot.
After the battle, Ada takes the Plagas sample from Leon at gunpoint and makes her getaway, but gives Leon and Ashley a means to escape as well, via a jet-ski. Ashley invites Leon to her residence for "overtime", but Leon politely declines. Despite this turn of events, after completing his mission, he talks with Hunnigan, who finally manages to re-establish contact. He compliments her on her appearance (she isn't wearing any glasses at this point) and lightly flirts with her by asking for her number, to which she rejects his advances and reminds him that he's "still on duty". Upon being left in the dust by a second woman, Leon can only reply with a disheartened look, "...story of my life." Sometime after the incident, Leon filed a report, known as the "Kennedy Report", explaining his experience on this mission, which would be read by other agents, including Chris Redfield.

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