
Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

10 Photos Ghost camera recorded

Rank 10 - taken in Croatia by Filip Gazi and Jazmin Ajkunic. The appearance of a skull face in a nightclub. Skeptical opinion of the people is that the facial image is just a random shape, which incidentally form the face of the human skull. This photo was chosen by 18% of visitors to the site.

Ranked 9th - ghost sightings on the sidewalk. Were photographed by Michael Dunbar, when he saw a shadow passing on a sidewalk. Selected by about 19% of visitors, this picture raises skeptical opinion that it is an extension of the shadow of the shadow man who happened to be passing on the sidewalk.

Ranked eighth is occupied by the photo below. Taken by Colin Foster on a lake in North Yorkshire, this photo shows a shadow that make up the human body was in the grove of tree branches. Selected by 20 percent of visitors, diatara those who are skeptical, stating that it was manipulation or digital manipulation or just a shadow of the statue alone.

Ranked the 7th is occupied by photos ghost sightings over the water, which was chosen by 22% of visitors to the site. The picture shows a figure who was washing feet above the water and taken by Jamie Whitehead in Saltburn woods Wood England. Those skeptics say it's just a shadow of a tree branch that stands vertically who happened to be above the water.

Then ranked sixth is a photograph taken about 22 years ago by Sonia Mellish at Edinburgh Castle, England. Seen in the photo is a white shadow in the upper right corner which according to many skeptics, it's just an extension of the shadow of a human or a double image. This photo was a favorite of about 24% of visitors to the site.

Rank the 5 is a photograph of the appearance of a woman's face in the rearview mirror of a car. Photographer - Guilelermo Sosa admitted that time he did not see anyone inside the car, but he was surprised by kehadiaran face in the rearview mirror of a woman left the car. Opinion skeptics say it is a shadow of a woman who was in the car but not visible from the back because she leaned her head or shadow someone who happened to be passing near the car.

In ranking the 4th , there is a Chris Brown's photo that shows a black shadow figure who was standing alongside the beach with body position overlooking the beach complete with jacket and hat. Skeptical opinion states that it is only a shadow figure illusion created by the indentation of small rocks around the beach.

Rank 3 is occupied by the apparition of the ghost in front of people who are engrossed in tandem. Selected by 28% of visitors, this photo was taken by Mathieu Fur. He explained that he did not see anyone passing in front of his camera while he was taking pictures the two people who are looking together in the photo. Skeptical opinion states that it hanyanya extension shadow of someone who is not aware of having created a blurred image.

And who finished runner-up is the photo chosen by 31% of visitors to the site, the picture looked a shadow of a tree branch hedge. Taken when John Wilson was walking along with daughter and dog in one evening. Opinions expressed skepticism that only a combination of shadows, stems and leaves from the surrounding forests.

And who became the champion is a photograph of Tantallon castle ghost sightings in Scotland. Selected by 39 & visitors, this photo was taken by Christopher Aichitson. He claimed not to notice the existence of a shadow that was captured in his camera. Many skeptics say that it is only one visitor, and others say it is the shadow of the surrounding batu2, or lights on the walls, while others say it is the only digital manipulation.

The final conclusion of this contest is that most of the photographs submitted by contest participants describe penampakan2 of various types of forms are not clear.Many of these foto2 have a normal explanation, such as dust on the camera lens, an extension of the shadow of the object, or because the effects of flash on the camera.

What is certain is indeed recognized the existence of supernatural beings exist, but the photos above do not necessarily prove that they are also caught on camera.Well, its all up to you, believe it or not.

2 komentar:

  1. wow u r so good with this I love it! and this info is well made

  2. i just already to make it
    awww really i will make about ghost again >.<
