
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

Jack Krauser Biography in Resident Evil

There's nothing left to say. For you and I, Leon, we're merely different sides of the same coin...

Jack Krauser was a former government agent alongside Leon S. Kennedy, but it was assumed that he died in a helicopter crash in 2002. Soon after, Krauser ended up working for Albert Wesker.
He seemed quite loyal to Wesker, as he thought highly of his attempts to use his new Umbrella to bring order to the world, and was distrusting of Ada Wong, who he suspected of treachery toward Wesker, which was in fact true. Ada's Reportmentioned that he was a subject of much study and observation by the "Organization" while Ada worked alongside him due to his near-superhuman abilities.

Something's wrong. It smells like... like a battlefield. Yeah... like 'death'.
—Krauser talking to Leon after entering the infected village

Krauser in 2002 (Operation: Javier)
PhazozAdded by Phazoz
In 2002, before the destruction of the Russian branch of Umbrella. Krauser, a seasoned operative (a member of the US SOCOM - U.S. Special Operations Command) with a history of brave service, was selected to be Leon S. Kennedy's partner due to the difficult nature of the operation.
They are sent to a small South American country as part of a secret military detachment after the headquarters were informed that a former researcher from Umbrella contacted a man named Javier Hidalgo in a small South American state.
Krauser and Leon have been sent on a mission by the U. S. government to infiltrate Javier's mansion in small locale of Amparo. Finding Javier is their objective, since he is a drug lord who has taken de-facto control over a large area of jungle. He rules the entire area absolutely. The small government is unable to do anything about Javier's control of the drug trade, so Krauser and Leon have been called in.
The U.S. government has received information that a former Umbrella researcher has somehow entered the region. Sources indicate that something strange is going on, but no accurate information can be obtained. Unwilling to risk a biohazard incident, a secret military agency pairs Leon and Krauser and sends them into this volatile region to determine what, if anything, is going on.
Krauser in the jungle, in the opening cutscene. (Operation: Javier)
NintenG0DAdded by NintenG0D
Shortly after they arrive at their drop point zone (the Jungle), but prior to arriving at the village of Mixcoatl, Krauser tells Leon that he doesn't believe inB.O.W.s. Leon speculates that he sees the Enemy as being the same to him.
They found themselves having to cooperate as a two-man cell in a t-virus outbreak. During their cooperation, he becomes more interested in Leon's experiences in the Raccoon City Outbreak. After learning as much from Leon as he can, he realizes that the enemy they are facing is entirely new to him, and thus starts to realize that B.O.W.s do indeed exist. Upon arriving within Mixcoatl, Leon and Krauser are faced by the zombified residence of the village, before finding their guide mortally wounded as well. They soon struggle past the various B.O.W's which they encountered, only to find a mysterious girl, named Manuela, along with a fierce amphibious B.O.W. which they soon manage to defeat for the time being.
Leon and Krauser are guided by Manuela through Javier's massive dam only to encounter even more B.O.W.s. They then learn that the young girl is actually Javier's daughter, and had been infected with the Veronica virus, before being separated from her by Javier's men. As Leon and Krauser eventually struggled through the dam and met up with Manuela yet again, they learn that she was administered the virus in order to save her from a terminal illness which she and her mother contracted, with Manuela agreeing to take them to her father's mansion.
Along the way, Krauser, concerned about the possible transformations which Manuela could undergo due to the Veronica virus, learns of Leon being sent in to this mission under the direct orders of the President, in order to completely eliminate the virus. Although Krauser agrees to help Leon, deep down he begins to feel jealous, almost spiteful, of Leon's elite status.
As the two make their way through Javier's mansion, Krauser continues to contemplate the mission, soon finding himself agreeing with Javier's mentality of "becoming stronger to survive", and growing increasingly resentful of Leon and soon, becomes obsessed with the power of the Veronica virus.
As the three make their way down to a warehouse, they find the truth about Manuela's control over the virus: She has her vital organs regularly transplanted from kidnapped girls, in order to both reduce the pain of the virus, and to keep her mind strong. Javier then sends out the same amphibious B.O.W. which Krauser and Leon encountered earlier, only to find that Manuela can keep it from attacking by singing.
Krauser in action during Operation Javier (Operation: Javier)
Mateo22Added by Mateo22
As they try to protect her, Krauser ends up having his left arm impaled by the beast, severely wounding him, before he and Leon learn that the B.O.W. is actually Manuela's mother, Hilda.
As Javier merges with the Veronica Plant, becoming the "V Complex" bio weapon, Leon, Krauser and Manuela work together to defeat it. All the while, Krauser becomes more and more convinced that the power of this virus is beneficial, and that destroying it would be a mistake. He thus becomes fully convinced that he must become stronger, viewing Leon as a "coward", and deciding that he will become more powerful.
After destroying Javier once and for all, Manuela is taken into the custody of the US Government, while Krauser himself plans to search for Wesker, so that he can gain more strength. His arm does not fully recover, and he is thus taken out of commission from the US Military, further increasing his anger, before he would soon fall further into darkness.

Los Illuminados IncidentEdit Los Illuminados Incident sectionEdit

You may be able to prolong your life, but it's not like you can escape your inevitable death, is it?

Krauser with his mutated arm-blade.
Seanbot007Added by Seanbot007
At some point in 2002, Krauser supposedly died in a helicopter accident, when in truth he had actually faked his death and sought out Wesker, in order to gain the power he desired so much after the incident in South America. Now working for the Organization, he became acquainted with Ada Wong as well, despite being extremely suspicious of her.
Krauser was sent by Wesker to the Ganados' island to infiltrate the cult group Los Illuminados and steal a sample of the Las Plagas parasite, preferably a Control Plaga. He was ordered to kidnap the president's daughter, Ashley Graham, which is possibly the reason why Krauser Plaga parasite (Unkown whether his superhuman strength came from a virus Wesker gave him or Las Plaga), for power. This specific Plaga granted him jumping ability beyond that of the average human, as well as the ability to transform his arm into a large blade-like appendage.[1] Krauser was supposed to work with Ada Wong, another agent sent by Wesker, however, they didn't see eye to eye; Krauser believing that Ada was untrustworthy and would betray Wesker. Krauser was ordered to assassinate Leon but failed due to Ada Wong's intrusion, thus increasing his paranoia about her.
In the morning, Leon battled Krauser again in a large ruins area where Krauser appeared and disappeared, shooting Leon all he could with a TMP and throwing flash grenades while Leon had to gather three insignias to open a gate, where he could escape the Ruins. After Leon got the second insignia, Krauser locked him in the tower with him. C4 charges were set to 2 minutes whilst Krauser's arm mutated into a large bladed claw that was completely bulletproof and dealt massive damage. He used it to shield his upper torso, while his legs remained vulnerable to attack.
Defeated by Leon, the third insignia -which he had upon his person- was taken by Leon as he escaped the area before Krauser's C4 would detonate. Krauser, however, survived. After Leon and Ada met near the prison, Ada proceeded to the tops of the buildings where she met Krauser for the last time. He was determined to kill Ada, jumping from top to top of the towers, hoping to slow her down. Although powerful, he was no match for Ada's arsenal and was killed for good.
Jack Krauser
Jackkrauser 2.jpg
Date of death:2004
Occupation:US SOCOM member (-2002)
Albert Wesker follower (2002-2004)
Osmund Saddlerhenchman (2004)
Voice:Jim Ward
Mocap:Ryouji Okamoto(cutscenes)
Munenori Yuo (in-game)

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