
Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

About UFO (English Lanluage)

Are UFO's?
UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object, which means unidentified flying objects. UFOs do not have to be a spaceship, but it includes everything in sight in the sky and unexplained. In Indonesia, the UFO is generally referred to as "flying saucer". But not all forms of UFO is a plate, so that the term is then less extensive in describing the UFO phenomenon. In the 1960s, J.Salatun use the term BETA is an abbreviation of the Weird Flying Objects.That's why the organization was called BETA-UFO.
Do UFOs exist?
UFOs are phenomena exist. From a number of eyewitness reports claiming to have seen UFOs, indeed most of them can be explained as a natural phenomenon or man-made objects only. But there are a number of UFO cases that remain unexplained or identified although has gone through a very serious investigation.
Where did the origin of UFOs?
There has been no agreement or certainty about the origin of UFOs. There are several hypotheses to answer these questions, namely:
From outer space - Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH)
From the future - Time Travel Hypothesis (TTH)
From the earth - Terrestrial Hypothesis (TH)
From another dimension - Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis (Uth)
Are UFOs the same as flying saucers?
If interpreted as a plane flying saucers from outer space, then it is the same with UFO. But many of the less agree with the term flying saucer because not all UFO shaped like a plate.
What are the forms of UFOs?
Comparison of the existing reports indicate that UFOs have a shape diverse forms and colors. UFO generally reflect sunlight so sparkling, but generally reported UFO abuabu or black color. There is also a bright yellow, white or other colors. Of the various forms that exist, can be classified as five main types, namely:
Plate type or types of disc, such as two plates are generally flat on your stomach each other.
Dome type (hemispherius), such as discs with a dome at its center, can also resemble an umbrella or a mushroom without a stalk-like.
Cigar or cylinder type, having a shape are like silnder with a truncated tip.
Types of round or circular, spherical, sometimes like a ball of fire moving.This type includes the type of the most unique because of the small ukurannyaada once.
Type field, generally shaped like a flying wing or delta shape.
How big is the size of the UFO?
In addition to its wide range, the size of the UFO was also varied. There are both small and large. Classified as follows:
Size very small: about 20 cm
Small size: about 5 meters.
Size rather small: about 10 meters.
Medium size, about 20 meters.
The size is quite large, about 30-50 meters.
Large size, more than 50 meters.
Size very large, generally a parent aircraft UFOs.
Who first coined the term UFO?
Before the term commonly used UFO, the United States Air Force (USAF) uses the term Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). The term UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) was proposed by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, director of Project Bluebook in 1952. At that time the U.S. military, especially the USAF, shortened by UFOB. The term was later replaced the term UFO flying saucer (Flying Saucer) is more popular before.
Starting when the term became popular flying saucer?
The use of this term popular since 1947, especially when the media in covering the American experience of the pilot Kenneth Arnold. But their use of the word plate (Saucer) has never existed in 1878, when a Texas farmer named John Martin saw a strange object. Actually John Martin did not say that its form had seen strange flying objects like plates, but said that the registration plates look like. Similarly, Kenneth Arnold, also did not say that the shape of the mysterious flying objects such as plates, he even called it more like a crescent moon, but his movements like a plate was thrown on the water.
Are UFOs also across Indonesia?
Yes, many eyewitnesses reported seeing a UFO, even the creatures that come down from the UFO. The spectacular case occurred in 1959 on the islands of Alor and UFOs have also fired upon by the air defense cannon in the area of ​​Surabaya. Many UFO sightings documented by LAPAN (Institute of Aviation and Space Agency) at the time of J. Salatun became its chairman.
What is the purpose UFOs came to earth?
Their purpose is not known with certainty. Several cases of human abduction by aliens and cattle mutilations, an indication they are studying biology and genetic engineering, including interbreeding (hybrid). On the other hand there are also cases of UFO contact with human beings who are friends and carry specific messages and oversee the development of human technology. Some cases also show the existence of UFO attack that injured man of the earth so that there is speculation that they intended to invade the earth. There are also opinions that say that they only travelers who see the situation on planet earth.

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