
Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

10 Tradition harshest in the world

Much of this tradition is now part of history and is considered the most violent or evil. But some of them stopped recently. This is a list of 10 bizarre traditions that are now mostly gone from the human civilization.
1. Foot Binding

Foot Binding or binding of the feet is a tradition of women's feet to stop the growth of ancient times in China. This tradition has been to bring great suffering for the Chinese women at that time. Binding of the foot usually begins after children aged between four to seven years. The poor are usually too late to start binding the feet because they need the help of their daughters in the care of fields and plantations.

Foot binding began during the late Tang dynasty (618-907) and began to spread in group classes up until the Song dynasty (960-1297), the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and Qing dynasty (1644-1911), culture foot binding is widespread in the majority Chinese community until finally banned in Sun Yat Sen's revolution in 1911. The group that avoids this custom is just the Manchus and Hakka migrant groups who are the poorest in China's social caste. Habits of foot binding lasted for about a thousand years and has led to approximately one billion Chinese women suffered foot binding.

Binding the feet was done by wrapping the foot with a cloth tight ten-foot by two inches wide, folded four toes to the bottom of the foot and pull toes medekati heel. This makes the leg becomes shorter. Leggings increasingly diketatkan from day to day and forced to wear shoes feet smaller. Feet should be washed and cut his nails because that will not make the nails that bound the feet on the foot prick into and cause infection.

If the bandage is too tight it can arise at the foot of the books that should be cut with a knife. Then the legs should also be massaged and compressed cold and heat to slightly reduce the pain. Binding of the foot makes the blood cycle is not smooth so it can make the meat go bad feet and legs to remove pus. The smaller the foot of a girl the more beautiful she is seen.Long legs of a girl is only about 10-15 inches.
2. Self Mummification

Sokushinbutsu are Buddhist monks or priests who were convicted of causing death by making them into mummies. This practice is reported to occur almost exclusively in northern Japan around Prefecture Yamagata.terdapat Between 16 samapai 24 mummies have been discovered.

Three years of the priests only eat a special diet consisting of nuts and seeds, They then ate only bark and root of three years and began drinking tea made from the sap of poison that the Urushi tree, normally used to lacquer bowls. It causes vomiting and rapid loss of body fluids, and most importantly, turn off the body which can cause damage to the body that can cause death.

Finally, on mummifying monk would lock himself in a stone tomb barely larger in size than its body, in which he will not move from the position nya.penghubung to the outside world is the air tube. Every day he reminds of that people outside that he was still alive.
3. Eunuchs

Eunuchs also known as eunuchs, a man who lose fertility because his cock had been removed on purpose or causes lain.Catatan-the earliest records of castration on purpose to produce eunuchs are from the Sumerian city of Lagash in the 21st century BC . Since then, for thousands of years people work in different cultural eunuchs as palace maids or domestic servants, male singers with high voices, special religious officers, government officials, military commanders, and the guardian of women or servants in

The first eunuch mentioned in the Assyrian Empire (ca. 850 to 622 BC).They usually appear at court Achaemenid emperors of Persia or the pharaoh of Egypt (until Lagid dynasty known as Ptolemy, which ended with Cleopatra). In ancient China, castration is a form of traditional punishment (until the Sui Dynasty) and the means to get a job at the palace of the Emperor. At the end of the Ming Dynasty there are 70,000 people in the Imperial palace eunuchs. Position it so valuable as-certain eunuchs managed to get such great power that is beyond the authority the prime menteris self-castration that should be banned.

The number of eunuchs who become employees of the Palace of the Emperor eventually decreases to 470 people in 1912, when they are no longer employed. Eunuchs be given positions of civil servants from the high on the grounds that because they can not have children, they will not be tempted to seize power and start a dynasty. At the same time, a similar system also existed in Vietnam.
4. Sati

The tradition of sati or self-immolation hidupp-life, is regarded as a symbol of piety, as well as showing the ownership of men over women, usually done by high caste women and women only credible option that can melakukannya.tradisi sati is seen as a better alternative when a wife widowed by their husbands, rather than persecute them from brothers-in-law, who would blame women for causing dead husband.

sati became a tradition that not only the wife, but also for saving wife, brother-in-law and even the mother, to sacrifice himself diapi burning of bodies of men who have mereka.pelaku sati heralded as heroes, according to Hindu teachings.
5. Dueling

duel tradition practiced in the 15-20 century by Western society, which is a duel between two men, death match with weapons, in accordance with rules explicitly or implicitly agreed upon, as a symbol of honor, usually accompanied by a trusted representative.

dueling usually occurs because of the desire of the parties (the challenger) because they have committed an insult to her honor. The purpose of dueling not laain is to satisfy itself, to restore their honor status are willing to risk nyawa.dueling can usually be done with a sword or pistol.
6. Seppuku

seppuku known as Harakiri, One tradition that became the pride of Japanese society, which is derived from the nutrient, which means the stomach and kiru which means cutting. Harakiri is also known as seppuku.Harakiri habits was conducted by soldiers from among the samurai class as proof of loyalty. Suicide of the Samurai was so painful, because the offender had to wait for death from loss of blood after the tear and remove the entrails.

There is a special ritual to be performed by the Samurai if you want to perform harakiri. He must shower, use a white robe, and eat favorite foods.Actors harakiri accompanied by a waiter (kaishakunin), which he chose himself. Kaishakunin is tasked with opening the kimono and fetch a knife to be used. If the perpetrator harakiri screaming or crying in pain when he poked and pulled out his bowels, it is considered very shameful for a Samurai. Because it Kaishaku duty to reduce suffering, hasten death by beheading the offender.
7. Human Sacrifice

Human Sacrifice is human sacrifice, the act of killing human beings for the purpose of offering sacrifices to gods or other. Performed by many ancient cultures. These offerings vary, some like the Mayans and Aztecs that they are notorious for offering ceremony, while others have appeared as a primitive practice. Offerings were killed in different ways, some burned, beheaded, or buried alive-hidup.dapar a small child, or virgins.

This is the history of the general who ever lived on earth, Most religions condemn these practices and legislation regard it as a crime. But to this day, sometimes there are those who perform these traditions, especially in the area remote areas where traditional beliefs still continue.
8. Concubinage

Concubinage called concubinage. The photo below shows a group of concubines was standing behind their protective (usually eunuchs).
9. Geisha

Geisha originated from the word "Gei" means arts or performance in Japanese and "Sha" means people, so Geisha (person of the arts) is a traditional artist entertainer in Japan. In Kyoto itself, the word "Geiko" is used to illustrate the artists like that. The presence of geisha in 18th and 19th centuries are commonplace, and until now they still exist even though their numbers diminishing sdh.

Geisha are traditionally trained since their childhood. Geisha houses often bought young girls from poor families and take responsibility for raising and training them. During childhood, geisha are trained primarily to work as maids, then as a senior assistant to a geisha house, as well as the exercise is also used to help contribute and maintenance costs of their education.The system is a long tradition of training still exists in Japan, where a student living in the house his art teacher, began doing general housework and observing and helping teachers to eventually move to become a master for himself. This exercise takes a few years.
10. Tibetan Sky Burial

Tibet is a region in Central Asia and penara original petempatan for Tibetan people. Average height of 4.900 meters (16.000 feet), Tibet is the highest in the Earth's shoreline and often hold a "tube of the World."

For communities that religious Tibetan Buddhism, the land of their residence is located on the mountain where there is no soft ground. Almost all of them filled with rocks or snow / water batu.Oleh kerana graveyard soil caused no geographical situation, they gave the corpse to be eaten by birds.

Besides, that way the spirit of the dead is believed to be eternal in the mountains with birds berkenaan.Tindakan man in the picture below the cut and destroy the body is to facilitate the bird did not expedite the process ini.Mereka mahu these birds bring limbs that are still separa perfect (like the head, hands, etc.) to another place.

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