
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011

Chris Redfield biography in Resident Evil

There is one thing I do know... I've got a job to do, and I'm gonna see it through.
—Chris' thoughts on his crusade against Bioterrorism.[4]
Chris Redfield is a Special Operations Agent (SOA) of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA), of which he is a founding member. Formerly, he served in the US Air Force; before moving on to law enforcement as a member of the RPD's Special Tactics And Rescue Service's (S.T.A.R.S.)Alpha Team. In July of 1998, he was dispatched to the Arklay Mountains region on the outskirts of Raccoon City, and is one of the few members of S.T.A.R.S. to survive the Mansion incident, where he foiled captain and traitor Albert Wesker's plans and discovered that the Umbrella Corporation were the behind the entire incident due to the company's creation of the mutagenic toxin, T-Virus. S.T.A.R.S. was subsequently disbanded following the incident, and, taking up on leads regarding a "G-Virus" Chris left for Umbrella's headquarters in Europe, intent on ruining the company. Two months later, Raccoon City istelf was hit with a similar outbreak of the T-Virus. Chris' younger sister; Claire, had travelled to the city to find her brother, but was instead caught in the chaos. Claire escaped the city, and chased Chris to Europe. In December, she was captured by Umbrella while trespassing in their Paris Medical Lab, and transported to Rockfort Island and imprisoned. Chris learned of Claire's situation, and set off to rescue her, leading to his involvement in the Rockfort Island outbreak and the Antarctic outbreak, and on both occasions confronting Albert Wesker. After rescuing Claire, Chris reunited with his partner; Jill Valentine, and joined a Private Regional Biohazard Containment Unit (BCU). Chris and Jill took part in the fall of Umbrella in 2003, when they carried out an assault on Umbrella's Russian headquarters. In addition to his qualification to pilot fixed-wing aircraft, Chris has been rigorously trained in several fighting techniques including CQC (Close Quarters Combat), is an expert in knife and firearm combat, and is gifted with a great accuracy.



    BiographyEdit Biography sectionEdit

    Early lifeEdit Early life sectionEdit

    Chris is the older brother of Terrasave member Claire Redfield. At the age of 17, Chris joined the United States Air Force as a pilot and marksman. Apart from flying a plane, he demonstrated outstanding firearms handling and was trained rigorously in hand-to-hand and knife combat. Although he was a talented soldier, he was constantly in direct conflict with his superiors, unable to properly follow orders without speaking out. Unfortunately, he was unable to settle the many disputes he found himself in, and was eventually discharged without honors, though his file states that he retired (possibly a cover story), at 23–24 years of age.
    After leaving the Air Force, Chris drifted across the US and eventually found himself in Raccoon City, where an old family friend, Barry Burton, suggested he try out for the new S.T.A.R.S. police force - an elite unit mostly comprised of ex-military personnel, and created to quell the increase in the number of cases involving terrorism. RE5 states S.T.A.R.S. contacted him, probably after a recommendation from Barry. Thinking he may as well try out, Chris went ahead and applied for S.T.A.R.S. where he was immediately accepted. Along with Barry, Chris was recruited into the lead Alpha team with Albert Wesker as captain.
    He served as both a point man as well as Alpha team's co-pilot and was known for his marksmanship ability (for which he had a friendly rivalry with Bravo team member Forest Speyer and received numerous commendations for). It was here that he also met his future partner and closest friend, Jill Valentine, and the two bonded with each other.

    The Mansion IncidentEdit The Mansion Incident sectionEdit

    Chris in Resident Evil.
    NiermakAdded by Niermak
    In July 1998, Alpha team were sent to the Arklay Mountains on the outskirts of Raccoon City to investigate the sudden disappearance of their compatriots, Bravo team.[5] While walking through the forest, they discovered the remains of Bravo team's helicopter, along with the mutilated corpse of their pilot: Kevin Dooley.[5] Suddenly, while investigating the quiet woods, Alpha team member Joseph Frost was attacked by a wild dog, with the rest of the pack following, eating him alive. Jill witnessed this and began firing, but was so shocked at the sight she failed to realize her gun had run out of ammo, and she continued to pull the trigger. One of the dogs noticed her watching and ran toward her. Chris gunned down the dog and took a hold of Jill telling her to run.
    With Alpha team on high alert, they ran through the forest to the landing zone, only to find their pilot, Brad Vickers, flying away in terror. To buy the others time, Chris turned and braced himself as a dog leaped at him. However, Wesker shot it out of the air and ordered Chris and Jill to follow him. Spotting a mansion in the distance, the four remaining officers ran towards it, shooting at the wild dogs. Finally, they entered the seeminglydeserted mansion for cover.
    Throughout the night, Chris worked through the Mansion in search of life, combating numerous creatures, and ran into two surviving members of Bravo team, Rebecca Chambers andRichard Aiken. Chris then ran into Wesker while investigating the mansion residence who told Chris that he and Jill were separated earlier.
    Making his way to the caves beneath the Mansion, Chris finds a wounded Enrico Marini, Bravo team's captain, who informed Chris that there was a traitor among the group, before being shot dead by an unknown assailant. Chris then discovers an underground laboratory used for making B.O.W.s, and also finds out that Wesker was one of the leading researchers. He finds Wesker, who confirms that he lured S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion to use their combat with the B.O.W.'s as data for further research. Wesker shoots Rebecca and unleashes a monster calledTyrant. It impales Wesker, and apparently kills him, but Chris manages to take it down. Rebecca survived the gunshot due to her bulletproof vest and ran ahead to activate the self-destruct sequence she had found. With it activated, Chris focused his attention on finding Jill. Running through the lab, he found that Wesker had locked her in a cell. After rescuing her, both ran to the roof to await Brad's rescue (Brad had earlier made contact with the team and had decided to return for them). Rebecca joined them on the roof but before Brad could land, the Tyrant emerged from the floor and began to attack. After a shoot and dodge game, Brad threw down a rocket launcher, and Chris destroyed the Tyrant.
    Chris, Jill and Rebecca boarded the chopper and escaped the Mansion. Barry also managed to escape, either being already in the chopper or escaping via other means. The mansion then exploded, taking any remaining monsters and evidence with it.
    After their ordeal, Chris, along with Jill and Rebecca were treated at the Raccoon General Hospital,[6] where doctors confirmed him to have sustained no permanent injuries.[7]

    After the NightmareEdit After the Nightmare sectionEdit

    After recovering from their wounds, the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members made a number of attempts to report Umbrella to the authorities, but all attempts failed due to the corporation's bribing of the RPD's chief Brian Irons. While the public were disturbed by the events, they continued to purchase Umbrella's products. Eventually, due to the threat of exposure, Irons had the S.T.A.R.S. team disbanded before they discovered too much, and replaced with a more standard S.W.A.T.
    Chris decided to dig up some information on Irons secretly, and requested that the Federal Police Headquarters carry out an investigation into the RPD and Irons himself. To cover his tracks and keep Irons from suspecting anything, Chris displayed extensive aggressiveness, once punching fellow officer Elrand in the face for spilling coffee on him by accident. Jill, unaware of Chris's intentions, tried to stop him but he simply winked at her then walked away. He was later suspended for "vacation".
    Chris began investigating Umbrella alone, telling nobody, not even Jill. When he finally did tell her after inviting her to his apartment and showed her reports on the G-virus, she was determined not to let Chris fight Umbrella on his own, and called Barry for extra backup. The three of them set out to uncover as much info on Umbrella as they could, but Chris knew that their best bet was to travel to Umbrella's main headquarters, in Europe. Jill agreed that she will continue trying to find more information in Raccoon City before joining Chris, and Barry promised to follow after getting his family to safety. Chris opted against telling his sister anything to avoid putting her in harms way, but this decision had the opposite effect.
    Claire, during the Raccoon City Outbreak would find the fax reply to Chris's requested investigation of Irons. She had come looking for her brother whose last known whereabouts were in Raccoon City. The fax would reveal that, although they tried to find incriminating evidence regarding the G-virus, no evidence confirmed it's existence. However, they did find that chief Irons was hiding a dark past and may or may not be taking bribes. Claire determined that Umbrella had a facility in Paris, and believed Chris may have gone there. Claire indeed traveled to the Paris facility, but found that it was not Chris' destination. She was discovered snooping around, and after almost destroying their own base trying to catch her, Umbrella caught and sent her to Rockfort Island, and isolated prison run by Umbrella.

    Rockfort Island and AntarcticaEdit Rockfort Island and Antarctica sectionEdit

    Chris in Code: Veronica
    DirectorSmileyAdded by DirectorSmiley
    Yeah! It's payback time. We've gotta destroy Umbrella. Now, let's finish this once and for all!

    While in Europe investigating Umbrella's activities, Chris' own activities made him a wanted target for Umbrella. This is what helped Leon S. Kennedy in tracking him down, Leon, a friend of Claire's after they cooperated to escape Raccoon City, was e-mailed by Claire asking him to find Chris. He passed on Claire's message for help, prompting Chris to abandon his mission and head to Rockfort Island. Arriving at Rockfort Island, Chris infiltrates undetected by climbing the outer walls. He meets Rodrigo Juan Raval, who tells Chris about Claire's presence on the island. Rodrigo is soon attacked and swallowed by the Gulp Worm, a large worm creature. Chris fights and kills the monster, who spits Rodrigo back out. Before he dies, Rodrigo gives Chris a lighter, which Claire had given him in gratitude for releasing her and tells Chris that Claire may already have left Rockfort Island.
    While searching the island, Chris finds the answers that he was originally looking for when he came to Europe. What he hadn't anticipated however was the return of his former captain. Albert Wesker had mysteriously survived their encounter in the Arklay mountains during the Mansion Incident several months ago and now carries a strong vendetta against Chris.
    They have a brief scuffle, in which Wesker easily overpowers Chris using his inhuman strength, Wesker reveals to Chris that Claire is in Antarctica, at another secret Umbrella research base.
    After following Claire to Antarctic base, he found her unconscious in a replica of Spencer's Arklay mansion. Wesker himself traveled to the base in pursuit of Alexia Ashford, who possessed the last remaining sample of theT-Veronica virus. Chris and Claire's reunion was brief, as they were separated when Claire departed to find fellow prisoner, Steve Burnside, who she had been cooperating with.
    Chris watched Wesker and a mutated Alexia fight after he demanded she had over the Veronica virus, but was forced to deal with her himself when Wesker fled the scene. Chris brought her down temporarily.
    After Steve's death, Chris activated the self-destruct system of the base and meets his sister once again. They attempt to escape, but Alexia reappears and tries to stop them. Chris and Claire activate a special weapon, known as the Linear Launcher, but the weapon needs time to charge. Chris tells Claire to wait for him at the Harrier jet while he deals with Alexia. Claire reluctantly agrees, but Alexia tries to attack her. Chris shoots Alexia. Then, her body reacts with a gruesome mutation. Claire runs away, and Chris battles Alexia. During the fight, Alexia leaves her cocoon body and begins to fly. The Linear Launcher finally recharges and, with only one shot, Chris was able to finish her off.
    When the base began to crumble, Chris chases after Wesker, who had taken Claire hostage. After some talk, Wesker releases Claire, claiming that it is Chris he wants, and that killing him is better than completing his mission of acquiring the T-Veronica virus. Chris orders Claire to wait at the jet. Chris and Wesker then engage in combat, and Chris is beaten up by Wesker, who proclaims that his new superhuman abilities are well worth not being human anymore.
    Chris utilizes some hanging girders which fall on Wesker. The fight was eventually interrupted by the imminent destruction of the facility. Wesker promises that the next time they meet, it will be the last. Chris leaves for the jet. With the base literally exploding behind him, he emerges from the elevator and is blown across the room, landing on the nose of the jet. Chris piloted the jet and escaped the facility as it self-destructed. Claire asked him to promise he won't go off and leave her alone again, but Chris said that he had to put a stop to Umbrella for good.
    After this incident, Chris is reunited with Jill, who had previously escaped Raccoon City with Barry Burton. She had arrived at Chris' ransacked apartment and found only his knife on the floor. Jill set off to find Chris, who also took action to find her. Together they joined an anti-Umbrella and bio-weapon task-force. They designated themselves partners, working only with each other, and for the next five years, they did everything they could to try and expose Umbrella, but always wound up at a dead end.

    The End of Umbrella Edit The End of Umbrella sectionEdit

    Chris in Umbrella Chronicles
    PhazozAdded by Phazoz
    The nightmare ends, here and now!

    Five years later, in 2003, Chris, and Jill had by now focused their lives on exposing and destroying Umbrella. He and Jill were dropped off at a Russian Umbrella Facility, believed to be housing a new BOW. They carried out a full-scale assault on the facility, destroying any of Umbrella's old Bio-Weapons encountered, and skillfully avoiding traps.
    Eventually, they were confronted with a new experimental Bio-Weapon, codenamed T-A.L.O.S. Sergei Vladimir revealed himself to be the creator, and sealed Chris and Jill inside the T-A.L.O.S. containment room and activated the monster. Sergei taunted them, announcing that as fellow soldiers, Chris and Jill know the feeling of being alive in battle, before revealing T-A.L.O.S. as if to say no amount of battle experience is enough to defeat this new BOW.
    Having no choice but to fight, Chris and Jill were successfully able to defeat T-A.L.O.S., finally ending Umbrella once and for all. After escaping the facility, Chris and Jill still lamented that Wesker was still out there. Though their troubles with Umbrella were over, it would only be a matter of time before they would be dealing with Wesker again. Unknown to them, Wesker had actually infiltrated the same facility in order to take out Sergei Vladimir.

    After UmbrellaEdit After Umbrella sectionEdit

    Chris in his old BSAA outfit when he and Jill infiltrated the Spencer Estate.
    LeonisawsomeAdded byLeonisawsome
    After the collapse of Umbrella, rivals and terrorist groups managed to get their hands on Umbrella's projects. Chris and Jill both joined the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA), dedicating to stopping the creation and usage of bio-weapons. There, they appointed themselves partners, and aside from locating Wesker, Chris and Jill traveled the world together on missions to reduce the growing number of bio-weapons, ranging from stopping bio-weapons in Asia to destroying bio-weapon labs in South America to arresting smugglers in Europe.
    In 2006, the pair received a tip off from a reliable source detailing former Umbrella founder Ozwell E. Spencer's location, and Chris and Jill intended to raid his hideout and arrest him for questioning. Entering the estate, it was not long before they discovered the bodies of Spencer's bodyguards, who had already been brutally killed through "unconventional means". Both of them had to survive and endure numerous puzzles and traps built on the estate, whilst fighting off the multiple Guardians of Insanity which relentlessly pursued them throughout their mission. Whilst proceeding through the estate's gardens, they fell through an old bridge and landed in the sewers below, losing most of their equipment in the process. Defenseless, the agents relied solely on their wits to outsmart and eliminate the remaining Guardians of Insanity before making their escape from the sewer. When they arrived at the last hallway in the estate, they discovered more of his bodyguards horrifically murdered outside the entrance. When they opened the last door where Spencer could be hiding, they were greeted by Wesker, who had just killed Spencer a few minutes before they came in. A brief battle soon followed. Although the two put up a fight, both Chris and Jill were easily beaten by Wesker's super-human powers, and just as Wesker was about to deal the blow that would end Chris' life, Jill launched herself at Wesker, hurling the pair through the nearby window and into the chasm beyond the cliff the mansion was built upon. Chris could do nothing as he watched his partner fall to her death.
    The BSAA conducted a three month search for Jill's body, with no success. As a result, Jill Valentine was officially declared dead in the line of duty. For the next 3 years, Chris refused to believe that Jill had died, and put himself into every mission available, with the hope of finding some kind of lead to Jill's whereabouts.

    Kijuju Incident & Wesker's DeathEdit Kijuju Incident & Wesker's Death sectionEdit

    More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? Yeah, it's worth it.

    Chris in Resident Evil 5
    PrimeChrisAdded by PrimeChris
    Three years later, in 2009, Chris Redfield became possibly most active and respected member of the BSAA, across all branches. He had participated in more missions than anyone else, and was responsible for their success. In March, during one of his investigations, Chris discovers an upcoming plan of a bioweapons deal, that occur in KAZ (Kijuju Autonomous Zone, or simplyKijuju), Africa. Chris was sent to Kijuju to arrest a Bio weapon dealer named Ricardo Irving. With the help of fellow BSAA member and new partner Sheva Alomar. Chris and Sheva arrived in the butcher shop and received the mission coordinates, equipments and weapons from Reynard Fisher. They soon discovered that Kijuju was suffering from new and more advanced forms of Las Plagas, and were forced to take down hordes of vicious "Majini". In Kijuju's Public Assembly, Fisher is beheaded by the Executioner Majini, and a large number of Majinis attempts to ambush Chris and Sheva. Fortunately, Kirk Mathison, the air-support, finds a way to put an end in the battle. They recive a radio call of Alpha Team being attacked by an unknown creature. They encountered a new type of B.O.W. that was responsible for the deaths of BSAA Alpha Team Members. Not long afterwards, Kirk Mathison's helicopter crashes due to an attack from Kipepeo. When Chris arrives in the crash site, he and his partner fall into a trap of the Majinis. With the aid of other BSAA members such as Josh Stone and Dave Johnson they were able to survive through a variety of horrific dangers eventually coming into contact with Irving who evaded them with his partner, a mysterious cloaked woman. It was soon after that Chris came upon a file depicting a blonde girl who he recognized as being his old friend and partner, Jill Valentine. Irving is located by Chris and Sheva in the mining area of Kijuju, but a cloaked person manages to help him to escape. Chris checks the files that Irving left behind, leading them to an oil refinery, where Irving was hidden. Soon after, Irving release two types of B.O.W.s to destroy Chris and Sheva:Popokarimu and Ndesu. After destroying the monsters and passing through the Marshlands, Chris and Sheva teamed up with Captain Stone to chase Irving in the oil refinery.
    Irving tries to kill Chris, Sheva and Josh by blowing the oil refinery, but the BSAA agents manages to escape and confront Irving. In an ultimate effort to destroy Chris and Sheva, Irving inject himself with a sample containing theControl Plaga, who mutates Irving into a large Kraken like creature. Chris and Sheva are able to destroy the monster. Before his death, Irving told Chris that all answers he is looking for will be in the caves.
    With Irving eventually taken down, Chris told Sheva that he only got involved in the mission so he could find Jill, who he suspected was still alive. Although surprised, Sheva vows to stick with Chris to the end. The duo discover a large area full of capsules used to store test subjects. Chris rushes to a monitor and searches for Jill. As theplatform they stood on raises to Jill's capsule, Chris and Sheva are attacked by a large creature known as U-8. This promptly stops the platform, forcing Chris and Sheva to fight back.
    After its defeat, both are greeted to an empty capsule, and Excella Gionne via the monitor, who denies any knowledge of Jill. Sheva recognizes Excella as one of TriCell's co-founders, and tells Chris she is lying. Later, they meet Excella again in a lab, where they came across a test subject, who then mutates into Uroboros Mkono. After defeating the monstrosity that resulted, they eventually tracked down Excella, who was accompanied by Albert Wesker, and a mysterious cloaked female acquaintance. Chris demanded to know the whereabouts of Jill, and is stunned when Wesker removed the hood of his mysterious helper, who was none other than Jill herself. Despite Chris' attempts to bring her back to realization, he and Sheva are attacked and overwhelmed by her.
    As Wesker prepares to leave, Chris managed to get through to Jill. Wesker, although surprised, activates a device that causes her extreme pain, and leaves Chris to watch her suffer. Sheva spotted a device on Jill's chest and helped Chris in forcefully removing it.
    After Jill collapses, Chris rushes over to her and is relieved to find that she is alive and back to her senses. She apologizes for her actions and urges Chris to continue and stop Wesker before he can finish his preparations. Chris initially refuses, more concerned on getting Jill to safety. Jill grabs him and tells him that he is the only one capable of stopping Wesker. Chris backs into the elevator, and Jill tells Sheva to look out for him.
    The pair find Excella, and she runs off in a panic, dropping a vial of something which Sheva keeps after Chris explains that it may be important if Excella wanted to guard it so badly. Later it soon becomes clear that Wesker has no loyalty to Excella when she is revealed to have been injected with the Uroboros virus, which consumes her. It attacks the two, though they are eventually able to defeat it, turning their sights to Wesker. It is then that Chris receives a call from Jill who explains that Wesker needs to inject himself with a serum to keep the virus inside of him stable, but overdosing it would weaken him. It is then that the two find out the vial Excella had dropped is the serum they need to inject Wesker with. After a very one sided battle with him, Chris and Sheva manage to take control briefly and inject the serum into Wesker's chest, causing him to flee onto his airship with Chris and Sheva in hot pursuit. They manage to take advantage of his weakness and send him flying out of the cargo room but their advantage decreases when he grabs Sheva's leg in an attempt to take them down with him. Chris watches, images of Jill rush through his mind as he remembers how he thought he had lost her trying to kill Wesker. He jumps to grab Sheva as she loses her grip, with Wesker determined to take both of them, but Sheva shoots him in the face and he is sucked from the plane. Crashing in a volcano, Chris and Sheva are shocked to find Wesker alive and angry. Puncturing a container of Uroboros, Wesker begins to mutate with it and attacks Chris and Sheva. They retreat, but the rocks they cross over break and they are separated. Sheva shouts to Chris to get higher so she can attack Wesker, who turns his attention towards her. Stranded, she shouted for help and Chris was forced to push a huge boulder out of the way so Sheva could join him. Wesker follows but Chris and Sheva are able to overpower him, and as Wesker stands injured, the ground beneath him begins to break and he slips into the lava. Jill and Josh arrive in a helicopter just in time to witness the scene and Jill throws down a rope ladder. Chris grabs it and Sheva starts to climb, but as Chris goes for it, the ground beneath him also breaks. He stumbles, and jumps for the ladder, catching it one handed. Sheva and Chris are helped into the helicopter only for Wesker to emerge from the lava and catch one of his tentacles onto the helicopter skids. Jill points to the two RPG-7's that were in the chopper. Chris and Sheva both take aim and fire, and Wesker is finally killed. [1]
    As they fly away, a voiceover of Chris says while looking at Jill and Sheva: "More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear? Yeah, it's worth it."

    Appearance & WardrobeEdit Appearance & Wardrobe sectionEdit

    Chris Redfield was developed to be the typical "tough guy" type, commonly found in action movies: spiked hair, bare muscular build and likes combat knives. In his debut, Chris wears the standard uniform of S.T.A.R.S. His clothing is a white shirt covered with a green kevlar vest (the vest features a knife case at the left breast), gray pants, holster, knee-pads and black combat boots. The uniform did not show any change in the remake of the game (Not including Resident Evil 5, when Chris wears this outfit the sleeves of his white undershirt has been changes to a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up.) and was also used in "The Mansion Incident" scenario, in The Umbrella Chronicles.
    In Resident Evil - CODE: Veronica, Chris uses a variation of the S.T.A.R.S. suit. Consisting of green shirt with an RPD - S.T.A.R.S. black vest, green pants and black boots. The vest has a large S.T.A.R.S. logo on the back. The outfit is seen later in an Resident Evil: The Dark Side Chronicles scenario, "Game of Oblivion". In Chris's epilogue, he wears a white shirt with a brown jacket. It seems to be the same alternative outfit from the original Resident Evil. In "Umbrella's End" scenario, from Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, is set in the Caucasus. So he wears a special uniform. It consists of a white coat, black gloves, green vest, white pants and black combat boots. The knife sheath is now on the right leg, and in its place on the vest, there is a walkie-talkie radio. (This costume can be used in Darkside Chronicles if unlocked under special requirements, along with a non-canon Sheriff's costume."
    In Resident Evil 5 Chris is initially seen with a safari suit. After finding Reynard Fisher, Chris removes the safari jacket and puts on his military equipment. Chris is seen in the game in a mix of civilian clothing with the standard attire for the BSAA.: green shirt with logos of the BSAA. on both sleeves, a large sheath for his machete on the back, radio with headset, black gloves, a flashlight on his belt, PDA, holster in the right leg, knee-pads and green shoes. Later, the player can equip him with the Melee vest and/or the Bulletproof vest.
    Chris will appear in Resident Evil: Revelations, wearing his standard uniform of BSAA. This one is very similar to the uniforms used by Josh Stone and Dan DeChant), previously seen in Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition while playing "Lost In Nightmares" scenario.
    Chris's weapon of choice is the Samurai Edge, pistol designed and created by Joseph Kendo after a 9mm Beretta model. This weapon was available for sale in Kendo's Gun Shop, owned by Joseph's brother, Robert Kendo. The Samurai Edge was made exclusively for members of S.T.A.R.S. Chris's pistol model features a blued finish slide and a silver trigger. During his search for Claire in Rockfort Island, Chris's primary weapon was a Glock 17. When Chris joined the BSAA, he receives a Beretta 92F/FS with laser aim. Chris always carries a Combat Knife as a secondary weapon.

    PersonalityEdit Personality sectionEdit

    Chris is close to his friends and family, specifically with his younger sister Claire and his partner Jill, whom he would both willingly give his life to protect. He cares greatly for the life of innocents, something that caused him to argue with his superiors in the military. Chris has a long-standing friendship with Barry Burton, who was an old friend of Chris' family. Barry was the one who recruited him for S.T.A.R.S. after Chris left the Air Force and began drifting.
    Serving as Point Man in S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team, Chris earned the trust of his comrades. In particular, Chris developed a close friendship with Jill Valentine, the only female member of S.T.A.R.S. at the time.
    After the Mansion Incident, Chris became obsessed with the Umbrella Corporation, seeking information to bring the company down and avenge the death of his friends. Later, Chris and Jill made an deadly alliance to fight Umbrella together.
    Since Chris ruined, or at least delayed the plans of Albert Wesker at the mansion, a grudge formed between them consisting of nothing but hatred for each other. Their confrontations are always violent, and life-threatening. These two had become nemesis to one another, not being able to rest peacefully until the other lay maimed and lifeless.
    During a BSAA mission to capture Ozwell E. Spencer, Jill sacrificed herself to save Chris from Wesker, while he could do nothing to help. Jill's death hit Chris harder than a shotgun blast to the heart. Ever since that tragic night, he became distant and cold-hearted, perhaps as a result of feeling it was his mistake, and the fact that he was helpless to stop Jill from doing what she did.

    Other mediaEdit Other media sectionEdit

    Chris in Marvel vs. Capcom 3
    DiamonddeathAdded by Diamonddeath

    Resident Evil: AfterlifeEdit Resident Evil: Afterlife sectionEdit

    Chris, as portrayed by Wentworth Miller in Resident Evil: Afterlife.
    Vi JillAdded by Vi Jill
    Wentworth Miller portrayed Chris in the fourth film: Resident Evil: Afterlife. In the plot, Chris will be reunited with his sister Claire when both of them are trapped along with Luther West,BennettAngel OrtizCrystal Waters,Wendell and Kim Yong in a besieged prison. In the film, it is confirmed that he will not "know" Wesker as the movies are non-canon to the games. He still, however, fought Wesker along with Alice. A bit of a back-story of Chris was released on the official movie site. He was working for a military unit when the outbreak reached Los Angeles and his team used the Citadel Correctional Facility as a command post and all but him were killed. He and the survivors barricaded themselves in the prison, safe. His team was eventually killed and the released prisoners trapped him in a cage-cell in the basement as an act of irony and he was kept there by the survivors as they felt he must be a dangerous prisoner and didn't trust him. After Alice releases him, he is reunited with an amnesiac Claire Redfield who doesn't remember him. In the end, he fights Wesker side-by-side with Claire, but is defeated by him and is trapped in a holding tank while Claire is trapped in another, leaving him desperate to get to his sister. Finally, Wesker is defeated by Alice with the help of Claire's old friend K-Mart and Alice releases him and Claire. Wesker is not dead despite Alice blowing his head open, so Claire and Chris unload their pistols into him. Wesker doesn't die so the group locks him in the room with Bennett who begs to be released over the intercom, annoying Chris so much that he shoots the intercom to shut him up. Wesker escapes but his helicopter is destroyed with a bomb planted by Alice. Chris witnesses Alice sending out a message of hope of her own to any other survivors and the arrival of a massive Umbrella force.Alerted,Chris told himself that"it's not yet over."

    Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two WorldsEdit Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds sectionEdit

    Chris is a playable character in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds alongside Albert Wesker and Jill Valentine (who is DLC). Chris appears in MvC3 wearing his BSAA costume and uses a large variety of weapons such as the the Smith & Wesson Model 29 Magnum, the Ithaca M37 Shotgun, the Stun Rod, and his Mercworx Goliath combat knife, the FlamethrowerProximity Bomb Grenade, the Satellite Laser Device, the Milkor MGL Mk.1 Grenade Launcher, the Škorpion vz. 61 Submachine Gun, A Hand Grenade, the RPG-7 Rocket Launcher and his standard Beretta 92F/FS handgun, and some of his melee attacks from Resident Evil 5 are also included. His rival from the Marvel cast is the Hulk since Chris has a lot of experience fighting mutated creatures such as the Tyrants, Alexia, Wesker, etc.
    Chris and Jill are the first characters that appear in the prologue comic of the game. They are shown fighting off zombies at an unnamed research laboratory. Suddenly, the Executioner Majini arrives on the scene and Chris and Jill realize they don't have the firepower to stop him. Without warning the Hulk suddenly appears from a dimensional portal and defeats their enemy. Chris is later shown fighting the Hulk alongside other Capcom characters and saves the femme fatale Morrigan Aensland from falling to her death. She later thanks him by hugging him before they, along with Capcom and Marvel characters, battle Galactus and Doctor Doom, a new more imposing threat.
    Chris appears in many Arcade Mode endings throughout the game besides his own. Chris' ending depicts Wesker being put on trial and prosecuted by none other than Matt Murdock (a.k.a. Daredevil, a Marvel hero) while bound in a straight jacket. Wesker is accused of causing the Raccoon City Incident in 1998, and when he tries to escape he is stopped by Chris, who threatens to pin him to the floor if he doesn't stay put. Chris also appears in the Hulk's ending infiltrating a mansion similar to the Spencer Estate in search of Wesker alongside him, meeting many zombies, "frog creatures", and even Nemesis along the way. Chris is even present in Haggar's ending, congratulating him on becoming the new President of the United States alongside Captain America. He is also shown in Akuma's ending, lying uncoincous along with Captain America, Spencer and Chun Li, to have been defeated by the fighter. Finaly he is in Deadpool's ending, celebrating Galactus's defeat.

    NovelsEdit Novels sectionEdit

    Chris appears as a central character in S.D. Perry's novelizations of the games. Along with Jill, he is a main character in the first book in the series, briefly appears in the second alongside Jill, is referenced in the third and returns as the main character alongside his sister, Claire, in the sixth book in the series.
    • Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy (Based on Resident Evil)
    • Resident Evil: Caliban Cove (Original Novel)
    • Resident Evil Code: Veronica (Based on Code: Veronica)

    Deck Building GameEdit Deck Building Game sectionEdit

    Chris is a character card in the Bandai produced card game based on the series.
    Gimpy TyrantAdded by Gimpy Tyrant
     Chris, along with Jill has two cards in the game so far; one being in the base set and the other being a promo. Chris has the most health of any character in the game (120) but cannot be healed, which is his starting effect. His Level 1 effect also prevents him from attaching non-Infected cards. His level 2 effect gives him +5 damage for each Infected card he's fighting, making shotguns his weapon of choice. In the game's Partner Mode, Chris' Level 1 effect still applies. Therefore, if he is assigned as a Partner Character he cannot use weapons or items. This forces the player to designate him their main character. The promotional Chris is based on his Lost in Nightmares appearance and has 90 health. He is able to negate damage from weaker enemies (only 10 damage) with his Level 1 effect.
    Chris' card in Alliance.
    Gimpy TyrantAdded by Gimpy Tyrant
    His level 2 effect is similar insofar as it does the same thing to weapons used against him. Additionally, his second effect allows him to gain a second Explore action. A third Chris Redfield card was revealed as one of the ten new characters in the Resident Evil DBG expansion, Alliance. This card is based on Chris' appearance in REmake and has 80 health. This Chris' Level 1 effect makes it so that one weapon he is using requires 20 less ammo, but only if he is using one weapon. His Level 2 effect let's him lower the ammo requirement of one specific weapon type by 20. The weapon type is designated by the player and can include anything (Shotguns, Pistols, Magnums, etc.).

    The MercenariesEdit The Mercenaries sectionEdit

    Chris is a playable character in "The Mercenaries". He is playable in several costumes.
    BSAABeretta 92F/FS (50 loaded shots), Ithaca M37 (20 loaded shots), Hand Grenade x5, First Aid Spray, Handgun Ammo x50, Shotgun Ammo x30
    SafariSIG P226 (16 loaded shots), Benelli M3 (10 loaded shots), Rocket Launcher x2, Handgun Ammo x30, Shotgun Shells x10
    S.T.A.R.SSmith & Wesson Model 29 (12 loaded shots, SIG 556 (65 loaded shots), Grenade Launcher w/ 12 Electric Rounds, Machine Gun Ammo x150, Magnum Ammo x6
    WarriorHeckler and Koch P8 (25 loaded shots), Hydra (10 loaded shots), Heckler & Koch PSG-1 (15 loaded shots), Handgun Ammo x30, Shotgun Shells x15
    Heavy MetalGatling Gun, Stun Rod, Proximity Bombs, 3 Hand Grenades, Bulletproof Vest, Melee Vest
    HeadStraight400 HP
    Arm (Front)Hook300 HP
    Arm (Back)Kick300 HP
    Leg (Front) || Uppercut/Rising Upper || 400 HP/1200 HP
    Leg (Back) || Neckbreaker/Hammer Elbow || Instant Kill, No Plaga
    GroundedStomp600 HP (Head Critical)
    Combo Finisher (front)Haymaker3000 HP
    Combo Finisher (back)Backhand
    3000 HP
    Grapple BreakerTop-down punch500 HP
    Licker Knockdown ComboUppercut600 HP
    Licker Knockdown ComboStabInstant Kill
    Dazed WeskerStraight400 HP
    Stunned Wesker
    Left Hook, Right Hook, Body Blow, Heavy Blow, Finishing Combo
    4000 HP

    QuotesEdit Quotes sectionEdit

    Main article: Chris Redfield/Quotes
    • "Jill! Run for that house!"
    • "I'll go and check!"
    • "See, just relax and play."
    • "Wesker, you're pitiful. This is your savior? You say this failure is your savior?"
    • "You can't kill me!"
    • "He's sleeping with the ultimate failure."
    • "Ladies first! Go first, Jill!"
    • "Give me a chance to play nice guy"
    • "You killed them with your own dirty hands... You son of a bitch!"
    • "Wesker... you've become senile!"
    • "Come on you test tube freak!
    • "Shit! It's those nasties again!"
    • "Hang in there, Claire. I'm coming for you."
    • "Wesker! You're still alive? What are you doing here?"
    • "I'll keep her busy, just go for the emergency elevator."
    • "Sorry to disappoint you...but Alexia is gone!"
    • "As a surviving member of S.T.A.R.S. I have to do this."
    • "Next time!"
    • "Hey, you know I always keep my promises."
    • "Yeah, it's pay back time, we gotta destroy Umbrella, now let's finish this once and for all!"
    • "Everybody prepare for landing. Stay on guard! We can't afford for any mistakes!"
    • "The nightmares ends, here and now."
    • "Another Umbrella psycho!"
    • "He's still out there..."
    • "You kidding me? I thought tough girls like you didn't get worried?"
    • "He's been taken!"
    • "I'm pretty sure I know who it belongs to."
    • "I've got a job to do, and I'm gonna see it through." - On his role in life.
    • "I don't know.. They didn't move like any zombies I've ever seen." - Chris's first encounter with the Majini.
    • "We don't have any contingency for this, do we Kirk?" - Chris after the first majini mob encounter.
    • "There are no more orders from here on in, It's just us..."
    • "We're wasting time here!"
    • "Come on, Jill! Get yourself together! Wake Up! Jill Valentine!"
    • "Persistent son of a bitch!"
    • "Goddamn Wesker, he's actually serious about destroying the entire planet!"
    • "Do you actually think you can defeat me?
      Either way, I'm not gonna stop until I'm dead." - In response to Wesker
    • "I've had enough... of your BULLSHIT!"
    • "You're just another one of Umbrella's leftovers..."
    • "Just.. Hold on.. Sheva..!" - Chris as Sheva struggles to pull herself up.
    • "And you're going to judge us? Do you get all your ideas for the comic book villains?" - Chris about Wesker's plans
    • "Are you ready, partner?"
    • "More and more I find myself wondering if it's all worth fighting for. For a future without fear... Yeah, it's worth it."

    TriviaEdit Trivia sectionEdit

    • In the early trailers for Resident Evil 5, Chris was voiced by the same actor that voiced him in Umbrella Chronicles. Jill and Wesker retained their voice actors from Umbrella Chronicles, but it's unknown why Chris' was changed to Roger Craig Smith.
    • Chris starts Resident Evil (original and remake) without his handgun. It's possible that he dropped it during the run for the mansion. Another possibility is that it is a foreshadowing of Wesker's betrayal, in that he captured Jill after Chris left to investigate the gunshot (Jill would've been disarmed by Wesker).
    • Chris's character is motion-captured by actor Reuben Langdon who voices Dante in the Devil May Crygames. Devil May Cry is another game developed by Capcom.
    • Chris has, so far, appeared in 7 games. These are: Resident Evil (all versions); Resident Evil 2 (Extreme Battle); Resident Evil Code: VeronicaResident Evil: The Umbrella ChroniclesResident Evil 5, andResident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles). It will make 9 when Resident Evil: Revelations and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D are released.
    • There is an internet joke amongst fans that due to Chris' increased muscle mass in RE5, he's been taking steroids. In truth, interviews with Capcom in "The Art of Resident Evil 5" confirmed that Chris had actually been training heavily in order to stand a chance with his next inevitable confrontation with Wesker. One can notice how during Lost In Nightmaresset three years before RE5 (also shown in the trailer and screenshots for the RE5 prequel Revelations), Chris' physique is significantly slimmer than RE5.
    • Chris is sporting a slightly different, longer hairstyle on the photo for his S.T.A.R.S. badge.
    • In the Umbrella Chronicles his counter attack is a swing hit implanting a combat Knife into the skull of the enemy's head , followed by a spinning back kick.
    • In the Darkside Chronicles, his counter attack consists of him uppercutting the zombies in the face and then striking them with his backhand attack from Resident Evil 5.
    • Chris is the only playable character from Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles that could also be playable in Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, other characters such as Wesker, Ada, and HUNK appeared as well, however they were non-playable.
    • His quote when chosen in Resident Evil: Deadly Silence multiplayer is "Domo-kun #1!"
    • In the original Japanese Resident Evil (Biohazard), it was implied that he was a smoker by his live action intro and the ending where he is the only survivor. This was removed in the American version and all other games featuring him makes no mention of him being a smoker. However, he starts with, or quickly acquires, a Lighter in almost all his game appearances.
    • Makes a guest appearance in Resident Evil 2 as an unlockable character in the minigame Extreme Battle.
    • Chris is motion captured by Reuben Langdon in Resident Evil 5 and voiced by Roger Craig Smith. Langdon is best known for voicing and motion capturing Dante in Devil May Cry 3 and 4, he also did the motion capture for Chris in Resident Evil Code: Veronica. Smith has done numerous commercial and anime voiceovers, and is also the voice of Curtis in Resident Evil: Degeneration.
    • An interesting note is that all of Chris' combat outfits have green as a main color except for the live action version of Chris, in which he is just wearing a grey outfit.
    • In the Resident Evil 5 Viral Campaign, Chris is played by Will Lupardus. The first viral campaign trailer states that Chris' full name is Christopher Redfield. However, this name is never acknowledged in any of theResident Evil games.
    • There are 3 new outfits for Chris in Resident Evil 5 Alternative Edition, one being the "Flashback BSAA" which can only be seen in Lost in Nightmares another being "Warrior" and a brand new outfit known as "Heavy Metal".
    • So far, all four of Chris's partners have been female. (Jill Valentine, Rebecca Chambers, Claire Redfield, Sheva Alomar)
    • In Chris's Epilogue, it was stated that he learned that Claire was searching for him, until she was caught. It is believed that Leon S. Kennedy spotted Chris since Leon did share Chris the information about Claire's whereabouts as Leon stated in Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles.
    • In the game Dead Rising, also developed by Capcom, Chris' name makes a cameo. The restaurant Chris's Fine Foods uses Chris's name, just like the restaurant Jill's Sandwiches uses Jill's name. In Jill's Sandwiches, a slogan reads, 'Jill is a master of sandwich making,' in reference to 'You were almost a Jill Sandwich!' and 'The master of unlocking'.
    • If Chris is partnered with either Barry Burton or Rebecca Chambers in Mercenaries, His Uppercut and Neck Breaker Melee Moves will be Replaced with a Rising upper which is a Reference to the DMC move Rising Uppercut and a Hammer Elbow which both do 1500 hp.
    • Chris will appear as a playable fighter in the upcoming Capcom crossover game Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. In the teaser of the game, Chris is fighting the Incredible Hulk from Marvel. Other REcharacters who have appeared in Capcom crossover games, include Jill Valentine (Marvel vs. Capcom 2),Bruce McGivern and Fong Ling (Namco x Capcom) and Albert Wesker (Marvel vs Capcom 3).
    • Chris' medical records can also be found in "The Hive" scenario in Resident Evil Outbreak as a special item.
    • In Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Chris is known (so far) to attack with:
    Stun Rod - Beretta 92F/FS- Flamethrower - Grenade Launcher - Proximity Bomb - Incendiary Grenade - Sub-Machine Gun - Super Combo: Knife, Shotgun, Sub-Machine Gun, Magnum Revolver, Rocket Launcher
    • Chris's alternate outfit from Resident Evil 1 has the same "Made in Heaven" design on the back, his sister, Claire, has in Resident Evil 2.
    • When the player controls Leon and shoots with the upgraded Shotgun Remington 1100 in Resident Evil 2, (available only in Leon's scenario and in Chris's inventory on Extreme Battle), Leon gets a big impact after each shot and needs to recover, while Chris can shoot successively, without needing a break after every shot.
    • The Beretta 92F Inox, the same pistol featured in Resident Evil Director's Cut, can also be used in Extreme Battle of Resident Evil 2, while play as Chris.
    • The actor who played Chris in the live-action intro of the original Resident Evil is only known as "Charlie".
    • In the video games, there is no mention on the status of Chris's parents. In the Novels it is stated that his father was killed at his construction job. And then his mother died in a car accident.
    • In Resident Evil 2, several trophies can be check in S.T.A.R.S. office. One of them has Chris's name. He apparently won by his skills in marksmanship.(1997/February/10th)
    • In Resident Evil 2, right by the desk with Chris' diary, you can clearly see his 'Made In Heaven' alternative jacket hanging on the wall.
    • Chris is present on one of the cards in SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighter's Clash along with Rebecca and additionally alone on one of the cards in SNK vs Capcom: Card Fighters 2 Expand Edition
    • If the player has system data of Resident Evil 5 installed on their Playstation 3 and logs into Playstation Home, the player will be rewarded with a Chris Redfield decoration trophy.

    GalleryEdit Gallery sectionEdit

    Resident EvilEdit Resident Evil sectionEdit

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